Starting all kinds of churches, for all kinds of people, in all kinds of places

Starting new kinds of churches, for all kinds of people, in all kinds of places
Welcome to Church Planter Forum. You have been invited to participate in this blog because you are actively engaged in the process of clarifying or pursuing your calling to start a new church. Please use this forum to ask questions, make comments and share your experiences as you follow the Spirit's lead in your life to start a new church.

New Churches

Ground Zero ( is a new church that is being planted in Aurora, Colorado.

Sasha and Aaron Armstrong

Aaron Armstrong, ministry leader for Ground Zero, talks about GZ's first community outreach and Church-Next Training:


Ground Zero worship service and community outreach - August 22, 2010.  There were 44 in attendance with about a dozen first-time visitors. To view a video picturing this special day click here:   

Aaron Armstrong talks about the experience of starting a new church: 

The leadership team, mentored through the GCI Generations Ministries camp system, is participating in Church-Next Training and is being led by Aaron Armstrong. Aaron has been assessed by CMM, is being mentored by Greg Williams (GenMin director) and is in the process of developing a New Church Proposal. Jason Perman assists Aaron. GZ meets weekly and anticipates a "public launch" when the proposal is firmed up.
     And there is more good news ... Aaron and his fiance, Sasha, are to be married on July 17, 2010! We pray they experience all God's blessings as they make a new life together.
To hear Aaron tell the story of Ground Zero click here.